Thursday, August 28, 2014

Where Art Thou?

Where are you?
You're missing so much right now
Do you know that?
I need you here to see
I need you her to feel
I need you here to experience
I need you to be right here, with me.
Where are you?

Everything in me is prepared, nothing left, just you.
I could touch your nose when I think you're being cute
I could embrace you anytime I want to show you that you're loved
I could draw soothing circles on the back of your palm with my thumb and tell you everything is alright
I could bring you on a night ride and sleep under the stars instead of scrolling through the screens
I could let you squish my face to make funny faces so you could have a good laugh
I could cuddle with you until dawn and you could talk about your life going on and on, tell me everything about you and I'm all yours to listen.

What would you be like? 
I wonder what is your favorite color?
Are you a cheese-maniac like me?
What if you hate durians?

Will you be jealous when I spazz at the girls?
I'm really looking forward seeing you someday.
But these day I am afraid, what if the day didn't come?
What if you never found me and I never met you?

Come soon? Please? I really need you in my life.
